Here's a thought funny thing about this picture is my friend Tanja took a photo of this bike too and it's on her blog. She was in this town more than a month after me on her own bicycle tour that she started in South America!!!!!!
Langdon Street Cafe Where I performed 100% benefits to Free Ride Montpelier
mountains all around this town. I stayed at the top of a large hill. The night I performed was the night I met the hill, and the ride was invigorating. there was no one around, and fog hovered the black top. At one point I stopped, and my heart was pounding hard. The rhythm felt whole, synchronicity. Here's my bike with tomato plants, see em behind the guitar?
After Todd had made a generous donation to me, I got some plants and went door to door passing them out in VT. It was wild. Spreading a cycle...
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