So the garden is just a little bit over grown . I've been avoiding weeding since my return cause I'm still getting over fever and flu. I am so glad to be back home at Red Clay Hill. I've noticed lots of extra foliage in the yard which equals a lot more living things.
Chiggers, for an example ...this is my second bought with them this season. Considering my lifestyle not too bad. Also lots and lots of spiders, inside and out. I feel protected, but I've been kicking the really big ones out of the house (capture release). I can't believe that one of them builds his/her nest on my car every other day. Or this gnarly one in the photo below, just because of it's serious camo.
I've finally started painting this big empty canvas in my house.
Hey Rachel,
This is Neil Kirby. It was great seeing you a few weeks ago. I'm leaving for Spain tomorrow and wanted to shoot you an email, but I can't find your address. See if you can send me one at and I'll try to check it on the road. Hope all is well.
That's a knarly spider, my goodness!!!
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